Examination Management Portals

Examination Management Portals

At Datatec, we offer an all-encompassing "Examination Management Portals service designed to streamline the assignment and management of members for various institutions and organizations, whether they serve as Observers, Examiners, or Examination Centres. Our solution provides eligible members with secure access to essential information and assignments while ensuring efficient assignment management and reporting. Our experienced in-house team can study your manual examination related processes, automate them and also concert then into easy to manage portals.

Key Features:

Eligible Member Access: Secure and Convenient

  • Eligible members can securely access the portal, with data provided as per your organization's requirements.

Comprehensive Information: FAQs and Instructions

  • All the necessary details, including FAQs, Do's & Don'ts, and relevant instructions, are uploaded based on your organization's guidelines.

Assignment Management: Tailored Allocation

  • Members are assigned duties based on their role, expertise, and availability, optimizing the examination process.
  • Assignment details, criteria, and related information are readily available.

Center Management: Efficient Coordination

  • Examination centers are allocated based on capacity and location, ensuring a smooth examination process.
  • Center details, examination schedules, and related instructions are easily accessible.

Assignment and Center Allocation: Fair and Transparent

  • Assignments and centers are allotted through a transparent process, ensuring fairness in distribution.

Duty Management: Regret and Decline

  • Members can utilize the regret or decline facility for assignment offers.
  • Online allotment availability is provided to waiting members, with manual allotment options as needed.

Billing: Simplified Process

  • Generate a single bill encompassing all members and centers, streamlining the billing process.

Communication Integration: Email and SMS

  • Seamlessly integrate email and SMS alerts to the portal, ensuring effective communication.
  • Push email and SMS alerts for assigned activities.

Reports and Analytics: In-Depth Insights

  • Generate various reports and exception reports within the admin portal.
  • Admin module for comprehensive activity management.

Assignment Flexibility: Reassignment and Vacancy Creation

  • Reassign duties and centers to members in the waiting list.
  • Create additional vacancies as needed.

Member Management: Add/Remove Members

  • Easily add or remove members as per your organization's requirements.

Data Analysis: Criteria-Based Data Retrieval

  • View and download data based on various criteria for in-depth analysis.
  • Access and download accounts-related data for efficient record-keeping.

  • Our "Examination Management Portals" service ensures efficient assignment management and provides a secure platform for eligible members to access essential information and assignments.